Basic Information

Ref Number


Primary Location

LV - Riga - RIX



Job Type

Business Process Outsourcing

Work Style

On Site

Description and Requirements

Overview of tasks:

  • Understanding the advertiser's profiles, needs, and expectations

  • Answering the advertisers' questions by providing expert opinion and advice

  • Playing a key role to determine company’s business targets

  • Support end user and support services, including but not limited to outbound phone, email and other related activities for the purposes of customer service and satisfaction

What we expect:

  • Excellent communication skills in Russian and English both written and verbal

  • Experience in Customer Service, preferably in B2C or B2B environment

  • Proven ability to deal with problems and solve them effectively

  • Professional customer service skills: solutions mindset, helping nature

  • Online advertising experience is a huge plus and preferred

  • Educated / experienced in online sales or marketing

  • Knowledge of traditional marketing ecosystems

  • Passionate to learn and research

  • EU citizenship or Latvian Residence Permit

What we offer:

  • Attractive salary is up to EUR 1.380,- gross and fully paid training period

  • Appealing bonuses for weekend and public holidays

  • Private health insurance after 3 months of probation period

  • Working as part of a dynamic and multicultural team, with flat hierarchies and a first-name workplace culture

  • Advanced job opportunities in our internationally growing company

  • Great office with modern workspaces in Jaunā Teika

  • Positive international working environment

  • Appealing benefits like regular fruit deliveries for a healthy lifestyle and free drinks

  • Employee discount programs, providing partnerships with fitness centers and restaurants

  • Attractive employee referral bonus programs

  • Intriguing and diverse responsibilities

Join our team and apply now!

We are looking forward to your informative application. Our recruiting team will gladly answer all your questions at +371 63 99 5106

Klientu apkalpošanas speciālists ar krievu valodas zināšanām

Apraksts un prasības

Galvenie pienākumi:

  • Izpratne par reklāmdevēja profiliem un vajadzībām

  • Eksperta līmeņa atbildes uz reklāmdevēju jautājumiem

  • Svarīga  loma uzņēmuma biznesa mērķu realizēšanā

  • Klientu apkalpošana izejošo zvanu, e-pasta un čata formātā

Mēs meklējam:

  • Teicamas komunikācijas prasmes krievu un angļu valodā gan rakstiski, gan mutiski

  • Pieredze klientu apkalpošanā, B2C un B2B vidē

  • Spēja risināt problēmsituācijas

  • Klientu apkalpošanas prasmes: uz risinājumiem vērsta domāšana, izpalīdzīgums

  • Pieredze online reklāmā tiks uzskatīta par priekšrocību

  • Izglītība / Pieredze tiešsaites pārdošanā

  • Vēlme mācīties un izzināt

Mēs piedāvājam:

  • Atalgojums  līdz 1 380 EUR,- bruto un pilnībā apmaksāts apmācību periods

  • Bonusi nedēļas nogalēs un svētku dienās

  • Veselības apdrošināšana pēc 3 mēnešu pārbaudes laika

  • Izaugsmes iespējas starptautiskā uzņēmumā

  • Plašs un moderns ofiss

  • Pozitīva un draudzīga atmosfēra

  • Regulāra augļu piegāde, cepumi, kafija un tēja

  • Dažādas atlaižu programmas (tai skaitā, restorānos un kafējnīcās)

  • Motivējoša darbinieku rekomendācijas bonusu programma

Pievienojies mūsu komandai un piesakies tagad!

Mēs ar nepacietību gaidīsim jūsu pieteikumu. Mūsu personāla atlases komanda labprāt atbildēs uz visiem jautājumiem pa tālruni +371 63 99 5106


Additional Job Description

Are you looking to develop your career and take on larger responsibilities in an exciting environment and dynamically growing company?

Then join our team and help us to ensure excellent service standards while making a difference in the world!

Vai vēlies attīstīt savu karjeru un uzņemties lielākus pienākumus aizraujošā un dinamiski augošā uzņēmumā?

Tad pievienojies mūsu komandai, lai palīdzētu nodrošināt izcilus servisa standartus, mainot pasauli! 

Language Reference

EEO Statement

At TELUS International, we enable customer experience innovation through spirited teamwork, agile thinking, and a caring culture that puts customers first. TELUS International is the global arm of TELUS Corporation, one of the largest telecommunications service providers in Canada.   We deliver contact center and business process outsourcing (BPO) solutions to some of the world's largest corporations in the consumer electronics, finance, telecommunications and utilities sectors. With global call center delivery capabilities, our multi-shore, multi-language programs offer safe, secure infrastructure, value-based pricing, skills-based resources and exceptional customer service - all backed by TELUS, our multi-billion dollar telecommunications parent.

Equal Opportunity Employer

At TELUS International, we are proud to be an equal opportunity employer and are committed to creating a diverse and inclusive workplace. All aspects of employment, including the decision to hire and promote, are based on applicants’ qualifications, merits, competence and performance without regard to any characteristic related to diversity.
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